The manufacturing sector represented 31 percent of Cambodia’s economy in 2016. Cambodia’s growth rate for value added in industry is the highest in Southeast Asia. The manufacturing sector is expected to grow by around 9.6% based on Asian Development Bank.
Qualified Investment Project (QIP) received incentives from the government. To be admitted as a QIP, the investor has to register the investment project with the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) or Provincial-Municipal Investment Sub-Committee (PMIS) and receive a Final Registration Certificate (FRC).
QIP received investment incentives such as income tax exemption period of up to six years or special depreciation and import duty exemptions. Every year, QIP shall obtain Certificate of Compliance (COC) from CDC to guarantee investment incentives. New Law on Investment was promulgated on 15 October 2021.
We are experienced in audit engagements based on Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standard (CIFRS) and Cambodian International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium Enterprises (CIFRS for SMEs).
Our manufacturing QIP clients include:
- Prisource Electronics (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
- Cambodian ZuliteStone Co., Ltd.
- New East Solar Energy (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
- Golden Grace Apparels Co., Ltd.